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04 May 2022

Back to Basics: How to apply eyelash extensions

Back to Basics: How to apply eyelash extensions

Are you a beginner lash artist looking for a full guide for: How to apply eyelash extensions?

Or are you a more experienced artist wanting to freshen up on your skills? Well, you’re in the right place, lash nerd! Learning to apply eyelash extensions can TOTALLY make your head spin… It all sounds SO overwhelming. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered step by step from beginning to end, along with all the best tips to help you apply eyelash extensions. By the end of this blog, we hope to give you confidence that you’re armed with all the info you need to create gorg classic lash sets! 

Step 1: Consultation

Have your client fill out any necessary paperwork and establish what they are looking to achieve with their lash extensions. Do they want a sultry look, something more cutesy? Are they more into natural looks or are they obsessing over the drama? Then assess their features like… What’s their eye shape? Are the eyes closer or further apart? Do their natural lashes have a strong curl or are they more downturned? This info is what you’ll use to create a lash map to apply eyelash extensions that are best suited for your client!

Step 2: Getting Set-Up

Make sure to gather everything you’ll need to apply eyelash extensions. This will save you tons of time during the service. Set up your lash tile by lining up the lengths of lashes you’ll need to complete your set. Our FAV lash tile is the  Maven x Untamed Artistry Laylow Lash Tile because it’s anti-reflective, so those bright lights won’t distract you and strain your eyes! Then, add an adhesive sticker to the top of your tile. Our  adhesive stickers are a total lash game changer because they’re chemist-approved as the BEST surface to place your adhesive on that makes it last even longer! 

Step 3:Prep Care

Starting on one eye, pump lash cleanser onto a cleansing brush and really work it into the lashes. Don’t be afraid to get really aggressive with it. You want to make sure the lashes are prepped and extra clean when you start to apply eyelash extensions. Ask your guest to tilt their head towards the side you’re cleansing on and hold a towel or paper towel to their temple. Rinse the lashes by dripping saline from the nose bridge. By starting here, the client is a lot less startled by rinsing as it drips down more gradually to their eyes. Point your lash fan at the lashes while brushing them out until they’re completely dry. Now that we have a clean base… Amazing retention, here we come!

Step 4: Taping & Mapping

Now that those lashes are clean and dry, we’re ALMOST ready to apply eyelash extensions… The excitement is building, we feel you. It’s time to place your eye patches. We’re obsessed with  The Undies! They come in 2 different sizes AND have pre-cut slits to ensure the perf fit on every client. Secure only the bottom lashes down to prevent the top and bottom lashes from getting stuck when you start to apply eyelash extensions. Now, let’s tape! Our top pick is definitely  Grip Tape, it’s gentle and medical grade but also water resistant! This means it’s a perfect match for any of those clients with slightly watery eyes. 

Want to make your tape more comfortable? Take your  mini scissors and simply round the corners of your tape that will sit in the inner and outer corners. VOILÀ, no more sharp edges poking into your client! Check in with the client that everything is feeling comfortable and make any adjustments necessary. Never forget to make sure your tape does NOT rest on the waterline. 

Did you think we’d forget about mapping? Nope! Especially not when we have such a great mapping hack up our sleeves… Draw out your map on the eye patch using a felt tip marker. Following your map is SO important to execute a clean and symmetrical set. We even like to use an eyeliner pen to mark the map onto the lid itself. Then, when the lid is stretched with tape to expose those inner corners, you’ll never mess up your map again! Woohoo!

Step 5: The part you’ve all been waiting for… Application!

Clean base, CHECK! Bottom lashes secured down, CHECK! Looks like we’re all prepped and ready to apply eyelash extensions! Drop a dot of  adhesive onto your adhesive sticker that you’ve prepared on your tile. Need help finding the perf adhesive for your specific lash nerdy needs? Check out our blog:  Find The Best Lash Extension Glue For You. Gently wipe off the nozzle with a  lint free wipe to remove any excess adhesive. This will prevent your nozzle getting stuck in the cap AND any potential nozzle clogging. 

Now, let’s chat about dipping. Pick up a  0.15 or  0.12 extension with a  pick me up tweezer and dip it perpendicular into the middle of the adhesive dot. This is where it’ll be the most fresh! As you come out, use a scooping motion like a spoon to get the right amount of adhesive. But just like when you’re driving, watch your speed! Dipping too slow will leave you with too LITTLE adhesive, while dipping too fast will coat your extension in too MUCH adhesive. 


The excitement is building, are you ready to apply eyelash extensions lash nerd? 

Isolate a single natural lash that you want to apply the extension on using an isolation tweezer. For isolators, you could use a straight tweezer like  the O.G. or an angled tweezer like the  B.F.F. (Long). Whatever feels most comfortable to you - sometimes we even like to use both! You want to attach between 2-4mm of the extension to the natural lash, depending on the curl of the extension and natural lashes. The larger that point of attachment, the more secure the bond.Oh heyyy 3 week retention! When you apply eyelash extensions, remember to apply straight, rather than following the direction of the natural lash to create a clean looking set with no crossing lashes. 

Distance from the lash line is another must to watch out for when you apply eyelash extensions. A good rule of thumb is to use a credit card distance from lash line to extension. By consistently using this distance, your set will appear a lot more uniform. Repeat these steps on every single lash until you reach 100% coverage. 

But what about those baby lashes? You can still apply eyelash extensions to baby lashes, but opt for a lighter extension like a  0.10 or  0.07 to minimize strain on growing lashes. This is our fav way to add density to our sets and get our classics looking as full as possible, while still maintaining healthy lashes.

Step 6: Finishing Touches…

Congratulations, you’ve lashed every natural lash, look at you go! Now, let’s go on a sticky search. After you apply eyelash extensions, you’ll want to make sure that you aren’t left with any lashes that are stuck together so that the lashes remain healthy by growing out in each of their own natural growth patterns. It may take a little extra time, but trust us, it’s worth it. If you happen to encounter a sticky, don’t FREAK out. Just grab both stuck eyelash extensions with your tweezers and gently pull them apart! 

Then, use a lash fan to blow at the lashes. This will minimize irritation by blowing away lingering adhesive fumes from the eye. Now, you can use a lash mirror to check for any stickies on the eyepad. Simply lift the lid with your fingers to reveal any lashes that might be stuck to the eye patch. We’re almost there lash nerds… Slowly remove the tape, along with the eye patch and watch your clients fall in love with your set as they open their eyes!

Ready to pick up your tweezers and get lashing?

We can’t wait to see what you lash nerds create! Don’t forget to tag us in your next set, we’re totally here to cheer you on! 

We hope you enjoyed this blog and are looking forward to the next time you apply eyelash extensions!🤗 We’ll see you in the next blog…✌🏻For now, make sure you’re following us on our socials for an endless supply of lash nerd tips! Find us here:

Lash Nerd Community Facebook Group

And make sure to  subscribe to our email list to never miss the chance to geek out with us! 

UA 💛💙

Also on Untamed Artistry.

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